Tuesday 11 February 2014

Tools, not toys!

What would happen if someone took away all of the computers, mobile phones and the Internet?
Years ago John Lenon encouraged us to imagine there was no heaven. This amaizingly talented man sang a song about religions, possesions and borders that limit us. Today I would ask you to

Imagine there is no facebook, 
no instagram, no google too, 
Imagine all the people meeting in a pub uuhuu 

You may say I'm a dreamer 
but I'm not the only one 
I hope one day you'll join us 
when your internet is gone!
 wrote by Tom Ash Piekarsky

Technology is good and all but have you heard about good night sleep?
You don't switch off your cell phone at night, do you? Me neither. Although, I heard it's not good for our sleep. We should put it away while we are sleeping because it emits some quite dangerous rays... but we forgot about it because 'mummy would call', 'loved one would text ' and so on and so on.

This post is a little superficial, I don't dive too deep into this matter, I just want to stimulate you to start thinking about how much addicted are you to those life facilitators.
I don't mean to make you feel guilty because of technology, if you use it properly, as a tool, not as a constant companion.

Kominek, polish blogger tried to survive (!) 3 days without his cell phone. You can read about it here.

Are you brave enough to reject technology from your life for 3 days?


Fag said...

I have even sadder point to make. Psychology researchers discovered, that we can get hooked up online or watching telly for hours, just for the purpose of not thinking about our own life.
We deny the natural order of the self-discovering process just to be entertained.
Aside of all internet or TV content, that is a second most powerful force that makes us just utterly stupid.

Fag said...

Great post, by the way

Unknown said...

Yes, great and funny post:)
My little sister watch TV for all the time to NOT THINKING which is not good of course! but I have impression that she's watching it 24/24!!! God, let's stop them!
Let's make theme thinking and thinking about their lifes, which are DEFINITELY more interesting than movie series!
@ Fag, I don't know who you are, but I like this what you're writing ;)

Best for all of you