Monday 25 November 2013

It's too cold outside for angels to fly....

God, it's getting cold, every day is colder than the day before. Can't stand it!!! I feel like winter is around the corner and I'm just waiting for it to come around and lock me at home. Well, the pre-winter already did but - to be honest - I'm not so sad about it.

I skipped the problem of dark, cold and long days by.....

Reading. Reading is always a good idea, I think. Reading makes me live my life to the fullest by living the lifes of the protagonists. Actually, it feels so good to lie down in bed after long day of work and just come out of my body, stop being me and start traveling...

Winter's coming and even if I hate it, I have to admit that I love those long, dark days and I appriciate every single moment...


greg said...

At first i thought it will be your famous nagging, but as it came out u're really happy that winter is ahead of us!! Finally, you'll have reasonable self explanation to be lazy!!

Henri said...

I don't know if you spotted this, my friend, but I didn't nag for sooooo long!!

Unknown said...

uwielbiam jego muzykę ! Wake me up jest przeeeeeepiękne :) idealne na jesienno-zimowe wieczory :)