Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year's Eve

"Tomorrow is the first blank page of 365 page book. 
Write a good one."

Monday 30 December 2013

I'm sorry I neglected you...

Sorry for keeping you wait so long for my new post. I just haven't been able to manage my time properly but now I will definitely try to get myself together!!

For the past few days I have been laying on my parents' comfy couch in my large sweater, drinking warm tea with good book in my hand (Manhattan Transfer, hope I will have a chance to write about it later) and if I've decided to get off the couch it was just to go into my room to lie down again. :-) Hate that christmas time! I always feel guilty because "I ate too much, I done nothing and I wasted my time"( story as old as the hills - you felt the same at least once, don't you?)

But it's okay now, finally I decided to write something for you :) 
As you may not know, I am passionate about marketing, advertising and media strategy, that's why I want to show you some of the very best christmas advertising creations and copywritings that I found.

Copy is the most important thing in marketing. As someone once said 'Content is the king'. Good copy has a power to persuade the audience to buy a product or order a service. JB company definitely has a great copywriter.

Copy from bookstore in PoznaƄ, just love it!!

And now some good creations:
from Heineken
Social advert:

What do you think about it?

Thursday 5 December 2013

things we should say more often...

  • Tell others they are marvelous.
  • Do tell thank you to weitress, teacher, shopman for work they are doing.
  • Don't miss a chance to show your closest friends that you really appreciate them.
  • Don't you ever allow yourself to forget to tell your little sister that she is awsome (she really is !).

Why am I telling this ? Why have I enumerate this ? Why don't we tell others they are super cool just the way they are ?!
Admit it - it's probleme of our generation, it's not that we don't mean it. The problem is that most of people are afraid of being sincere or maybe they take things for granted and they don't see all of that little things that others do for them. Maybe being honest makes you seem vulnerable or weak but actually it prouves you greatness and your courage. 
 Or maybe.... it's just me. It may be that kind of projection... by saying we, I meant me but I was too afraid of that, was I?
Even if so, you have to remember – if you want to change the world then change yourself.

I'm trying to change the world..... Corndog anyone?